Saturday, May 8, 2010

Cosmetic Cravings & Cures

I'm no counselling experts nor have I spent thousands and thousands of dollars on cosmetic (maybe a few hundred, but anyways.) I have notice that I do get envious and the lemming to buy more after seeing other peoples' hauls. Sometimes it isn't that bad but on other days I want to rush out and buy everything new in store. The only thing that's stopping me is my sanity and the accumulating cost (read: lack of money).

Just last week, I was watching a makeup guru on YouTube who pointed out: a single Nars blush won't even hit pan after she's been using it everyday for a year! This realization is a bit scary - actually more than a bit scary, because I look at my stash and I have about eight blushes staring back at me...

If one blush last more than a year and I currently have eight blushes, does that mean I have enough blushes for sixteen years? Sixteen? 16!? Six-Teens!?

I brought up this little tidbit of info while I was out having bubble tea with my friend the other day and she agreed. She also continued to say, "I don't really understand why people buy so much makeup and sometimes of similar color too. The first one hasn't even been used up and they run off to buy a second, a third, etc. They'll never be able to use even half of it!"

First allow me to introduce my friend, JC. She is a very practical and down to earth girl. Make up is rarely on her face, she only put some on for events like girls night out or when she has formal work (she works as a tutor for her side job). So when I ask for her opinion I know I'll be getting practical and down to earth replies. Almost like asking a guy but she's nicer because she will notice the color difference while a guy will just say, "Yeah, you look nice."

That night I sat in my bed (okay not really but I can't remember where I came up with the idea) and I thought to myself, what can I do to kill off the urge for buying new cosmetic? Especially when they go on sale?

And I came up with the idea of making a list (I know, not very original) of the cosmetics that I have, I'll sort them by type and color, I'll list the price of the product, and I'll have a little bar on the side which I could fill in as I'm closer to finish up the product! Okay maybe not the last step, its a little too much work. I will also revisit my stash daily. Or weekly. Or whenever its convenient. After all, if I'm familiar with what I have then I won't be tricked into buying another product just because its from a different brand! Or if the same brand comes out with a new color with another name that's just a tad more shimmery, a bit more blue, a different undertone etc. I can just mix what I have in my stash to match that right?

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